The phenomena of Internet of Things has paved way for endless opportunities in how machines can be maintained today- in a prescriptive, rather than a corrective way. 

Predictive maintenance systems are designed to determine the condition of an in-service machine in order to estimate when maintenance should be performed. The main promise of predictive maintenance is to allow convenient scheduling of corrective maintenance, and to prevent unexpected machine downtime. 

Predictive maintenance differs from preventive maintenance because it relies on the real time statistics of the condition of machine, rather than average or expected life statistics, to predict when maintenance will be required. Predictive maintenance is a condition-based maintenance carried out as suggested by real time data. 

This approach has a lot of benefits:

Cost saving over routine preventive maintenance

Increased machine lifetime

Improved plant safety

Optimised spare parts handling


Inferix is an end to end solution for machine health and performance monitoring application.

Inferix has 2 main components that are necessary for implementing predictive maintenance that together perform data collection and early fault detection.

Inferix Sensor Nodes

Plug and play devices equipped with powerful hardware to process all the vibration data onboard and 
provide on board diagnostics of the machine.
A separate ML engine detects anomalies on board and provide alerts in real time.

Inferix Machine Health Platform

Inferix Machine Health platform to helps to visualize the machine health and performance data
real time. Historical data fused further in to predictive maintenance methodologies to estimate the
life of the machine or tool.

ML Based Sensor Engine

Sensor Unit measures Vibration, Contact Temperature, Surface Pressure.

Signal Processing Unit conducts onboard time domain and frequency domain analysis.

Sensor Alarm Unit consists of configurable time and frequency domain alarms based on ISO10816 standards.

Machine Learning Unit is comprised of On board anomaly detection using pretrained Neural networks.

Communication Unit RS485, Wifi, BLE, Ethernet, GSM, SubGHz, IOlink, etc can be customised as per your need

Monitor parameters like temperature, pressure, bearing looseness, belt looseness, platform stability using machine and factory models created by Inferix cloud.

Captures historical data in a data lake to create a digital twin of the machine and runs statistical algorithms on the data for predictive maintenance.

Using predefined and custom reporting features, identify bottlenecks, make informed decisions, monitor the cloud-based ITIL asset management solution’s performance, and optimise service delivery.

Inferix Cloud

Reporting and Analytics

Fewer Breakdowns
0 %
More Uptime
0 %
Lower Maintenance Cost
0 %

Industries We Cater To

Aerospace & Defense

Transportation & Logistics

Energy & Utilities



And Many More…

About Us

Kosine Inference Technologies is an Industrial IoT technology company founded with the vision of making machines smarter and reliable. The company offers advanced machine monitoring solutions comprised of Intelligent sensors with ‘Extreme Edge AI’ and cloud powered efficient analytics software. This helps our customers monitor the machines remotely and get deep insights into the diagnostics and performance information.

Our Mission

Build an innovative, simple, and affordable solution for machine health and performance using our in-house intelligent sensors & software solutions.

Our Vision

To be the best technology company to help create safest workplaces and highly predictable industrial assets.

Get in touch with us to know how we can help you!